Deep Roots: Hips and Lower Body
March 1 - April 27, 2025
This module is the perfect time to begin! Join us for the journey of 300 hour training! Your body, mind and spirit will blossom like a lotus flower as we practice being fully grounded while aspiring towards Higher Consciousness. Gain greater understanding of lower body anatomy, muscular balance, how to alleviate constriction, improve range of motion and have healthy hips, low back and legs.

Saturdays 3/1, 3/29, 4/12 and 4/26 9:00-6:00
Sundays 3/9 9:00-4:30, 3/30, 4/13 and 4/27 9:00-1:00
Off for the Summer when taking the full course
Note- this is the schedule (Mbo is not accurate)
Topics and Explorations​
Become versed in an array of poses that focus on the hips and lower body.
Expand the poses you are comfortable with in your practice and teaching!
Practice several variations of each pose to meet individual needs for ease and challenge
Explore ways to consciously prepare for hip focused poses
Learn therapeutic and restorative asanas to address areas of restriction, weakness and common imbalances
Delve into anatomy of the hip, leg, and low back
Refine your teaching skills for intermediate and multi-level classes
Develop intermediate or multi-level classes and receive individualized feedback
Sink into the breath as a gateway to deeper states of consciousness
In meditation, vibrate with mantra, explore the chakras, and deepen subtle body awareness
300 Hour Investment
Save $500 and have an incredible experience! Sign up for our 300 hour course (all 5 modules) and preregister by 2/1! $3125 (instead of $3625 for individual modules). Payment Plans are free!
Individual Modules
Does it work better for you to sign up for individual modules? Preregister through 2/15 $675, after $725.
Each module has it's own manual and is $20 (no other books are required)
Rise True: Shoulders & Upper Body
September 7 - October 12, 2025
Feel the power rising within your spirit as we align with upward energy and inner clarity. Gain greater understanding of upper body anatomy, muscular balance, how to alleviate constriction, improve strength and range of motion to have healthy shoulders and neck!

Schedule 9/7- 10/12
Each Sunday 9:00-6:00 ​
Off until 11/2 when taking full course
Note- this is the schedule (Mbo is not accurate)
Topics and Explorations
Become versed in an array of poses that focus on the shoulders and upper body
Expand the poses you are comfortable with in your practice and teaching!
Explore making shapes with your body in a variety of ways
Practice several variations of each pose to meet individual needs for ease and challenge
Explore ways to consciously prepare for shoulder focused poses
Learn therapeutic and restorative asanas to address areas of restriction, weakness and common imbalances
Delve into anatomy of the shoulder, neck, wrist, and upper back
Refine your teaching skills for intermediate and multi-level classes
Develop intermediate or multi-level classes and receive individualized feedback
Deepen your awareness of subtle breath energy and refine your pranayama
Explore and discuss the yogic philosophy of karma and how it relates to our lives
Practice the art of letting go through meditation
Prereg through 8/25/25 $675, then $725
More details at the bottom of the page :)

Honor Wisdom: Yoga for Well-Being & Private Students
November 2- December 7
Experience the deep healing powers of yoga through all of your koshas (5 layers of your being) and increase your ability to share this gift. This training is perfect for any yoga teacher interested in the deep benefits of yoga, private yoga, personal practice, helping people with limitations and improving well-being through yogic techniques.

Schedule 11/2 - 12/7
Sundays 9:00-6:00
Saturday 12/6 12:00-5:00
Off 11/29-30 weekend for Thanksgiving break
Off about 1 month when taking full course
Note- this is the schedule (Mbo is not accurate)
Topics and Explorations
Learn to conduct the Yoga Movement Quality Tool, which uses seven asanas to observe movement, balance, stability and flexibility
From this guide, design a personal practice for your yourself and clients consisting of yoga postures, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques
Soak up asanas for wellness
Gain more insight and application of Anatomy
Awaken inner core musculature for greater stability and ease of movement
Explore the mind's role in the perception of pain
Holistic wellness and the Koshas
Pulsate with healing energy from the Medicine Buddha meditation practice
Explore mindful eating and basic Ayurvedic food principles for wellness
Register for our whole course and save $500! Email Sarada.OmAnandayYoga@gmail.com
For this individual module, preregister through 10/18 $675, after $725.
Manual is $20
Expand & Enhance: Adjustments & Teaching Skills
January - early March 2026
Explore your perceived boundaries and expand your Self physically, emotionally, and spiritually! Enhance your teaching and your students' experience! Find the courage and skill to make deeper connections with your students. Build your confidence and expand your teaching capacity!

Some Sundays 9:00-6:00 and some half day Saturdays, Exact dates TBA
Topics and Explorations​
Connect with greater compassion and self-care
Meditate with the energy of Goddess Tara
Experience self-adjustments through PNF, props, and creative means
Practice hands-on adjustments for beginning through intermediate postures
Learn a wide range of adjustment methods to help you develop your own creative approach
Fine tune your observation and communication skills
Explore more partner yoga and Thai Massage
Become versed in how to integrate adjustments into your classes
Consider and discuss the ethics of touch
Prereg for this module $675. After $725.
Manual is $20. No other books are required!
Payment plans are available at no charge! Please feel free to inquire!

Dance of Shakti: Vinyasa Flow Training
April - early May , 2026
Dance and flow with the creative energy of the Universe that is within you! This fun, energizing module focuses on specific techniques to develop creative classes with greater understanding of preparing well for peak poses, layering, deep themes, sequencing, use of Namaskars, and having fun.

Some Sundays 9:00-6:00 and some half day Saturdays, Exact dates TBA
Topics and Explorations
Learn to design creative sequences for a vinyasa flow class
Practice getting off your mat while teaching
Illuminate your cueing and communication
Experience physiological benefits of vinyasa flow
Explore a variety of ways to create a namaskar including chandra (moon), surya (sun), and mandala (circular)
Step into moving meditation through pranayama, inner focus and mantra
Take home vinyasa flow class sequences and class planning templates
Prereg for this module $675. After $725.
Manual is $20. No other books are required!
Payment plans are available at no charge! Please feel free to inquire!

More about our Yoga Alliance Registered 300 Hr TT

300 Hour Investment
Save $500 and have an incredible experience! Sign up for our whole 300 hour course and preregister! $3125 (instead of $3625 for individual modules)
Individual Modules
Does it work better for you to sign up for individual modules? Preregister by 3 weeks ahead for $675, after $725.
Each module has it's own manual and is $20 (no other books are required)
Cancellation Refund Policy​​
For 300 hour training: If no materials have been received, cancellation fee will be calculated as the greater sum of $300 or 15% of the total course cost.
If materials have been received, then the deposit of $500 will be deducted prior to the refund calculation.
Withdrawal after first day onsite will be pro-rated at $15 per hour of tuition for classes attended.
For Individual module: $125 is non-refundable. $15/hr for in class time.